Blood phenotyping or RH-Kell phenotyping is a quite common routine test in immunohematology. It consists in the investigation of antigens RH2 (C), RH3(E), RH4 (c), RH5 (e) and Kell (KEL1) on the surface of RBC.

DIAGAST has a complete offer for RH-Kell phenotyping with the references available individualy or in a complete kit containing all the specificities (Phenokit)

ANTI-C (RH2) 74221 Technical insert
ANTI-E (RH3) 74311 Technical insert
ANTI-c (RH4) 74011 Technical insert
ANTI-e (RH5) 74611 Technical insert
ANTI-K (KEL1) 74711 Technical insert
ANTI-DCE (RH1,2,3) 74111 Technical insert
NEG CONTROL PK 73026 Technical insert
PHENOKIT 74911 Technical insert