Blood grouping is the determination of the presence or absence of ABO and RH1 (D) antigens.

Blood group determination is performed in 2 steps:

  • Forward typing, where the presence of antigens on the surface of Red Blood Cells (RBC) is investigated with known antisera (
  • Reverse typing, where the presence of anti-ABO antibodies in the plasma is investigated with known antigens (commercial RBC)

The agreement between forward and reverse typing is a sine qua non condition for the determination of a blood group.

DIAGAST produces monoclonal antibodies and RBC for the forward and reverse typing, respectively.

ANTI-A (ABO1) 5×10 ml 70501 Technical insert
ANTI-A (ABO1) 100×10 ml 70540 Technical insert
ANTI-B (ABO2) 5×10 ml 70502 Technical insert
ANTI-B (ABO2) 100×10 ml 70541 Technical insert
ANTI-A,B (ABO3) 5×10 ml 70503 Technical insert
NEG CONTROL 79000 Technical insert
ANTI-A1 (ABO4) Lectin 71025 Technical insert
ANTI-H (H1) Lectin 71026 Technical insert
GROUPAKIT 70888 Technical insert
HEMATEST A1, B 58950 Technical insert
HEMATEST A1, A2, B, O 51999 Technical insert
ANTI-D (RH1) TOTEM 5×10 ml 71010 Technical insert
ANTI-D (RH1) TOTEM 100×10 ml 70544 Technical insert
ANTI-D (RH1) IgG 71020 Technical insert
ANTI-D (RH1) IgM I 71000 Technical insert
ANTI-D (RH1) IgM II 71005 Technical insert