The principle of this method is based on the magnetization of red blood cells: E.M.® Technology. This principle uses the Indirect Antiglobulin Test (IAT) in solid phase combined to magnetic field. This test is performed when looking for the following antigens: Fya (FY1), Fyb (FY2), Jka (JK1), Jkb (JK2), S (MNS3), s (MNS4) .

CrossLys 79854 Technical insert
NanoLys 69305 Technical insert
IRONMAG 20000 Technical insert
DiluentLys 69301 Technical insert
QR Anti-Fya 20501 Technical insert
QR Anti-Fyb 20509 Technical insert
QR Anti-Jka 20503 Technical insert
QR Anti-Jkb 20504 Technical insert
QR Anti-S 20505 Technical insert
QR Anti-s 20506 Technical insert
QR NEG CONTROL 20507 Technical insert
Antigens typing kit 20510
Mag-Plates 69302 Technical insert
QR anti-k 20508 Technical insert